Archive for April, 2014

  • is a new website where companies or merchants can register their websites. After they have registered their website, they will be visible on the world map. I have spoken to the developer and he was really enthusiastic about his website and the future: I put the site together after suggesting to Soepkip that I’d

  • ALWAYS BET ON BLACK – Update 26

    ALWAYS BET ON BLACK - Update 26

    SLOW DOWNTREND WITH POSITIVE FUNDAMENTALS These last few days the market has been moving on a slow downtrend following the support line of Fibonacci Fan. Although the latest price moves are outside of the Fibonacci downtrend, there has not been any move to the upside confirming that we are out of the downward trend and

  • Blackcoinpool most profitable again!

    Blackcoinpool most profitable again!

    Since is back online, we have the most profitable Multipool again.   As you can see, the Blackcoinpool is back online since 3 days and we have almost 170% profitablity of LTC! Click here The Multipool lost a lot of mining power, but as it is most profitable now, we will see much more people

  • BlackCoin Is Going To Wall Street

    BlackCoin Is Going To Wall Street

    Post from IconicExpert on Bitcointalkforum:   ================= This is an outline of what my wife and I have been planning for a few weeks. Please take a few minutes to read. I have been promising something big in May, and today I have decided to present my project to the community so together we can

  • Pool Back Online After Strategic DDoS Attack

    Pool Back Online After Strategic DDoS Attack

    Over the past 48 hours the pool has been the victim of a targeted and startegic DDoS attack, including the developers on their personal IP addresses. The DDoS attacks have since been fully mitigated and StGNU has worked round the clock (literally) for the past 48 hours to resolve the issue. Payouts have been sent

  • Blackcoin’s Multipool Changed Crypto Markets

    Blackcoin’s Multipool Changed Crypto Markets

    If you’re new to trading or just got back from a long vacation may not be familiar with what a multipool is. Blackcoin, which just had one of the most successful runs in crypto currency history, owes a large part of its success to the invention of the multipool. Imagine you’re a miner. You really want

  • ALWAYS BET ON BLACK – Update 25

    ALWAYS BET ON BLACK - Update 25

    STRONG CONSOLIDATION SPITE OF COORDINATED EFFORT VIA DDoS ATTACK TO BC-POOL AND SELL WALLS AT MINTPAL The market has not changed from my previous report. The positive momentum continues to consolidate but we have seen significant sell-wall intimidating the buyers to try to lower the prices. Here is the consolidation of the market spite of

  • again down because of DDOS again down because of DDOS

    OFFICIAL STATEMENT REGARDING BLACKCOINPOOL.COM DOWNTIME ============================================================================== What Happened? —————————————- The server is back offline after a strategic and coordinated DDoS attack, this time with more sophistication. We had upgraded to the full-scale DDoS protection plan provided by Cloudflare, in addition to StGNU configuring his own set of anti-DDoS mechanisms however the attackers used social engineering

  • Sign to get Blackcoin accepted on

    Sign to get Blackcoin accepted on

    Prom the original post on Hi, Would you please consider adding Blackcoin to your exchange? It is quite different from most coins being pure PoS, which is more environmental friendly than PoW. Furthermore it has a very active and quickly growing community and a large and competent dev team. It usually has one of

  • ALWAYS BET ON BLACK – Update 24

    ALWAYS BET ON BLACK - Update 24

    SELLER PUSHING THE MARKET DOWN WITH MANY SELLING WALLS - MARKET MANIPULATION?   We all know that next week will have many positive events and news, many people have viewed this positive news as an opportunity to buy. Yesterday the market rallied in advance of these events and with the trigger being the news of