CoinKite Implements BlackCoin June 1st, Little BlackCoin Aims for the Stars! May 31, 2014 by McKie Comments are off 1911 viewson Community NewsPhoto Credits: Go to Gritt from the BlackCoin Foundation for this little guy and his kite BlackCoin, the little PoS coin that could, is finally on its course to the beautiful endless bounty that is digital currency space. Thanks to the great folks at CoinKite! It was a match made in the stars; BlackCoin …
CryoBit (Makers Of ‘Indestructible/Fireproof Cold Storage Cards/Coins) Partners with BlackCoin for Premium Production Cards May 31, 2014 by McKie Comments are off 1897 viewson MerchandisingCryoBit, the makers of a fireproof, indestructible cold storage options for Bitcoin/Litecoin, has agreed to partner with BlackCoin for an exclusive black premium model of their cards. This would also include an option for a Gold/Black model of their CryoCoin model that they will be debuting soon as well. This comes as a great surprise … — Translators Needed! May 30, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 3421 viewson BlackCoin — Translators Needed! Over the past few months has grown from it’s humble beginnings into one of the fastest growing (and most profitable I’ll add!) multipools. Likewise we have rapidly increased in size and have a very large international community, we are currently in the process of rolling out localization support for our non-native English …
BlackcoinPool is running over 10 GH/s May 30, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 4143 viewson BlackCoin MultipoolBlackcoinPool’s speed has been greatly improved. BlackcoinPool is most profitable for about a week now. We have already seen a boost of the mining power since the API for has been fixed since 3 days ago. Now people can see we beat all the other multipools on profitablity! We are running over 10 GH/s scrypt normalized …
Update to the KNC Miner promo! May 30, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 3511 viewson BlackCoin MultipoolAnother update to the KNC Miner promo!Changes in the hashrate requirements: Originally it was 10GH/s for 15 days, this is going to change a little, including the 5GH/s promo we have promised before, the new requirements are: 5 Days of 5 GH/s* required. 5 Days of 7,5 GH/s* required. 5 Days of 10 GH/s* required …
Community Interview: Wurlitzer May 29, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 3092 viewson Community InterviewThe next community member we had a interview with is Wurlitzer. Wurlitzer is doing a lot of work for Blackcoin the last weeks and we wanted to know more about him. You can read an interview with him about what projects he is doing. Ralph: So where are you from? Wurlitzer: I am from Germany, born …
BitHalo / BlackHalo Whitepaper/Documentation is now public. May 29, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 2049 viewson Community NewsIn order to better explain the protocol, I have quickly thrown together a website and edited my documentation and whitepaper for first draft and unofficial release. I realized it was important and it will save me time explaining so I have to publish it today on the 29th. I will make this paper public so … needs content! May 29, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 1778 viewson Community NewsMaarx: Hi everyone, For all our friends, who have no idea how to buy blackcoin, the community came up with a website to hold their hand: This website will contain guides for every country on how to buy blackcoin there. Please check it out and help in content creation or translation! There is a …
BlackCoin Gold Bars – now USD 52.98 inc. shipping May 28, 2014 by Ralphvd 1 comment 1828 viewson MerchandisingLimited Time Offer! You can now have 999.9 Fine 24K BlackCoin gold bars at USD 52.98 including shipping! That’s the best offer since we start producing BlackCoin gold bars. All you have to do is to purchase 2 pieces of 1 gram BC gold bars and join Facebook promotionwhich is extended to 15th of June. When you add 2x …
BlackCast #3 May 26, 2014 by Ralphvd Comments are off 1869 viewson Community NewsNews about Coinkite, PoS-v2, blockchain issues, anonimous sendings, and what makes Blackcoin better than the copycoins? Host - Jabulon Special Guest - Bryce Weiner Dev team - Vizique - TheDogeOfWallstreet- Soepkip Due some technical issues, sound/video starts at 5 minutes. Vizique had technical issues with his microphone.