- Blackcoin savings plan is online

Today a new project has been launched, Now you can easily buy Blackcoins without any requirements for mining hardware. You can easily invest a small amount of fiat. Beginning at 25 USD / Euro a month.

With this project it is possible for the company to create a consistent demand on the Blackcoin markets. Actually the same thing that the Blackcoinpool is doing with his miners, it will create a buy pressure.


- Easy bank transfer. Minimum 25 Euro / 25 USD.
- No deposit fees.
- You can set up a savings plan.
- We buy your Blackcoin monthly, on the 1st and 15th.
- After the purchase: Immediate transfer to your wallet.
- Full transparency. You can track every entry and withdrawal.
- a competitive 2 % exchange fee.

It is really easy to set up an savings plan, the first thing you need to do is create an account. This can be done here.

After you have logged in, you have the possibility to create a savings plan for Blackcoins. Is it really easy like that? Yes it is!

(images are clickable)

If you want to visit the website, visit BlackFolio.

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