Community Interview: Auspex-NL


Recently a new Blackcoin website has been released. we contacted the developer Auspex-NL. He is main developer of the new betting website for the FIFA World Cup tournament, You can read his thoughts about Blackcoin and the future plans for the website in this interview.

Ralph: Hello Auspex-NL, can you please introduce yourself for those who may not already know you.

I am a Blackcoin community member. I got interested in cryptocurrencies about half a year ago, with the sudden rise of the bitcoin. I have been mining altcoins ever since and I immediately liked the Blackcoin community from the very start. It’s hard to believe that’s only months ago.

Ralph: Can you tell us something more about how you got into crypto currencies?

 Years ago, I first heard about Bitcoin. At the time, not a lot of information was available, the bitcoin community was a lot smaller. For me it was not worth the risk and required investment in hardware to start mining bitcoins.

Last december or so, a few colleagues started mining, and I got interested in Bitcoin again. This time, I decided to buy some mining hardware and tried to earn back my investment in the hardware.

Ever since the moment I bought the mining hardware, I’ve been following the altcoin world closely.

Ralph: When did you get attracted to Blackcoin?

I started mining altcoins, as bitcoin mining was already dominated by asic’s when I started mining. I actually mined Blackcoin in the PoW phase for some time and I liked the Blackcoin community effort from the beginning.

I have been around in the IRC channels since that moment. I do believe the Bitcoin Proof-of-Work only model has some potential flaws and Blackcoin’s hybrid PoW/PoS model is a much better approach in my opinion.

Recently, I got more interest in cryptocoin technology in general and I tried to come up with some ideas/projects based on Blackcoin technology.

Ralph: Great to hear that, we have visited and it looks really nice, can you tell us more about it?

Our team consists of 3 people. One day, a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about bitcoin betting sites. We figured it would be nice to be able to bet on world cup matches and started googling.

There are a lot of bitcoin betting websites, but none were as easy as we thought a betting site could be. Nearly all of them required registration. We figured an account-less system could work a lot better, simply send your coins to a certain address and enjoy the game. The three of us have been interested in Blackcoin for some time now and we figured the Blackcoin network would be ideal for our purpose.

You can place bets for the FIFA World Cup matches, simply by sending BC from your wallet to an address. There’s a different address for every possible outcome of a match.

If you place a bet on the winning team, you’ll receive your winnings after the match has finished.

Ralph: When the FIFA World Cup ends, what are your future plans for the website?

We got the website completely working just before the World Cup started, and our primary focus is currently on supporting the website throughout the World Cup.

Beyond that, we’re not sure yet, I received multiple requests to add other sports and support other cryptocurrencies. We are looking into some things at the moment, but we can’t make any promises yet.

We will consult the Blackcoin community soon about the future of our website. It is meant as a community project, and we love the Blackcoin community, so input from the community is very valuable to us.

Ralph: Why do you use Blackcoin and not support Bitcoin or Litecoin on your website?

 The transaction speed on the Blackcoin network is incredible. Bitcoin transactions can take a long time to confirm, especially when low transaction fees are paid.

We cannot wait a full 24 hours for a transaction to confirm before paying out all the other people that did place their bets in time and in a correct manner.

The Blackcoin network is very fast, most transactions take just a second for us to receive and all confirmations required are in well in time before the end of the match. Therefore we are able to pay out winners right after the match has ended.

With Bitcoin, this would most likely be impossible. Aside from technical issues, we simply like the

Blackcoin community and we see as a way of giving something back to the community.

We might expand to other currencies but at this moment people should just get hold of some blackcoins to play with.

Ralph: Ok thank you for this interview, I wish you the best of luck with your website!  

For those that want to risk a bet, you can try it on



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Blackcoin is my hobby, not sold one single coin since 24 februari 2014!