Pool Back Online After Strategic DDoS Attack

Over the past 48 hours the pool has been the victim of a targeted and startegic DDoS attack, including the developers on their personal IP addresses. The DDoS attacks have since been fully mitigated and StGNU has worked round the clock (literally) for the past 48 hours to resolve the issue.

Payouts have been sent to all of the miners who mined during the past 48 hours during the instabilities, the new anti-DDoS protection mechanisms are now in place and StGNU is keeping a sharp eye on it (we’re currently getting DDoSd without any impact at the moment!). Things are looking much clearer and development will again be focused on adding support for X11 and Scrypt-N in addition to development of next interation of the pool.

For those having difficulties mining please make sure that you are now using useast.blackcoinpool.com instead for your miners. If you are still having difficulting connecting please see the following guide for flushing your DNS.

We’re Back in Black!

- Legion Development Group

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Blackcoin is my hobby, not sold one single coin since 24 februari 2014!